TaikaTilaus Blog

June 2024 newsletter

Written by Jari Mäkelä | Jun 19, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Changes in the TaikaTilaus Organization

As of July 1, 2024, the CEO position at TaikaTilaus will change. My successor in the role of CEO will be Mika Kukkonen, who was introduced in the last newsletter. Our goal is to ensure the continued growth of TaikaTilaus, which has started well, into the future.

To ensure this growth, I will now focus on our customers, both current and future ones, in the role of Commercial Director/Sales Director. We will work closely with Mika and the rest of the TaikaTilaus team to provide you with services that strengthen and support your own business operations.

We aim to offer our current customers the best service and the most modern software that meets all future needs. Additionally, we want to ensure that the transition for new customers to using TaikaTilaus services is as smooth as possible.

With new clients and growth, we have the opportunity to further develop and enhance our solutions and services. This, of course, will also benefit all our current clients.

"It has been great to lead TaikaTilaus through the last three years of growth. Now is a good time for new leadership and the next phase of TaikaTilaus's growth, which I will support in my new role and as a partner and a board member."

- Jari Mäkinen

30.6.2024 asti

1.7.2024 alkaen


TaikaTilaus Support Guides and Support Channels Have Been Revamped

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best possible support solutions, enabling them to easily and quickly find the information they need for various software usage scenarios.

Our new support channel can be found at support.taikatilaus.fi. The "Help" link in the top right corner of each customer's TaikaTilaus interface will take you to this site. We have updated both the technical implementation of our guides (new platform and better usability), the visual design and interface, and also ensured that the organization and content of the guides are up-to-date. A significant improvement is the enhanced search function, which greatly increases flexibility in finding important information.

Our comprehensive customer support solution includes detailed software guides, quick reference guides, and instructional videos. As the TaikaTilaus software evolves, we will also expand the guidance available, as well as produce new quick reference guides and videos on important topics for you. This also includes an FAQ section, release notes, and a link and instructions for submitting actual support requests/tickets.

Please feel free to explore our new support site at support.taikatilaus.fi or directly through your service interface. We also welcome any suggestions you may have for topics or themes you would like more guidance on.

TaikaTilaus Website Revamp

The TaikaTilaus website is also undergoing a revamp. The new website will be launched in August, approximately by mid-August, but no later than the end of August. The TaikaTilaus website will have a completely new, modern look, and its content will be updated to better reflect what TaikaTilaus is and the solutions and services it can offer to its customers.

VAT Change Effective September 1, 2024

As we all know, a new general VAT increase in Finland will take effect on September 1, 2024. This change applies to VAT-liable activities that have used a VAT rate of 24%. The new VAT rate will be 25.5%.

For TaikaTilaus and our customers, this change affects the management and billing of reportable sales, not subscription sales or subscriber management, which use the reduced VAT rate of 10%.

TaikaTilaus will make the necessary adjustments to its software so that starting from September 1, billing requests and outgoing invoices for reportable sales will reflect the new increased VAT rate.

An important detail related to this change: If an invoice is sent by mail and includes a payment method surcharge, such as a paper invoice fee of €3, the VAT rate applicable to these surcharges will remain at the current 24% until the new VAT rate of 25.5% is used.

Development of Integration Services Continues

We are continuing to develop TaikaTilaus's integration services according to our customers' needs. Our latest integrations will include an integration interface with Fennoa's financial management and accounting system. Additionally, we have implemented an integration with Anygraaf's Planner planning tool. This allows TaikaTilaus's ad management software to be used in conjunction with the Planner.

We are also planning an integration with a debt collection service provider. We will provide more details once negotiations with the potential future partner are completed.

Our aim is to build a network of partnerships through which we can offer a comprehensive service package to our customers based on the "one-stop-shop" principle.

2024 Newsletters and Webinars

In the fall, we will send two more newsletters covering current TaikaTilaus topics.

We will also continue our TaikaTilaus webinar series in the fall, addressing relevant issues related to the TaikaTilaus software and services. We plan to organize 1-2 webinars during the fall. If you have specific requests for topics or themes you would like covered in the webinars, we would be very pleased to hear them.

You can view past webinar recordings here.